Monday, May 2, 2016

Flower of the month: Lily of the Valley

May is here and with it comes the Lily of the Valley or the May Lily. I though it would be fun to start working on a flower of the month watercolor project starting with the May Lily.

I have a patch of these lovely delicate flowers on the shady side of my yard and enjoy seeing and smelling them when they come up every spring. And I thought could use my Lilies as reference But they haven’t bloomed yet, maybe by the end of May they will be here.

Weird fact - did you know that Lily of the Valley are not really lilies, they are actually part of the asparagus family? The flower symbolizes modesty, chastity, purity, and signify the "return of happiness". That’s a lot of symbolism for such a tiny flower.

What type of flowers are you looking forward to seeing spring to life this May.